



The Jog

Video Installation 

1920 x 1080, 2 Channels, each 1 min on loop, 2014 

Jogging in gyms, or shopping in supermarkets, seem to have become usual activities in city life. At the destination of a supermarket, checkout counters are always waiting for us, just like the finishing line waiting for the jogger. Nowadays, the counters with mechanical conveyor belts become standard apparatus in modernised supermarkets. Customers can easily place their goods on the belt, then the conveyor transports the goods to the cashier. The rolling direction of the conveyor implies the destination of shopping. Jogging on the conveyor belt of checkout counters, instead of the treadmill, towards the opposite direction of the cashier, can be an alternative way to rethink our daily movement. The Jog contains two sections: “Warm-up” and “Jogging”. By dressing like an athlete, Warm-up exercises was done either in corridors or nearby counters on the ground. In the second part Jogging, the artist jogs slightly on the belt of counters. 

  Public screening at Miramar Entertainment Park during Nuit Blanche Taipei 2019 

  Photograph by Anpis Wang © Musquiqui Chihying

  Still image from the video The Jog, 2014 Photograph by Aurelio Kopainig

  © Musquiqui Chihying

Yin And Yang